Monday, September 2, 2019

Into Thin Air by Jon Krauker Essay -- Into Thin Air, Jon Krauker

The book Into Thin Air, written by Jon Krakauer, explores the struggle of man versus man and man versus nature. The very different personalities proved costly to everyone involved on the expedition. The team of climbers that were hiking toward the summit of Mt. Everest on May 10, 1996, was oblivious to what lay ahead of them. No matter how advanced the hikers were, Everest on this day would test the will and endurance of everyone attempting to reach the summit. The one element that no one person could elude was pain. Jon Krakauer stated in his book, â€Å"I quickly came to understand that climbing Everest was primarily about enduring pain† (136). At this point in the book, Jon was unaware of the events that would soon transpire. Even the most well-trained climber was at the mercy of the great mountain. The temperature change had a big effect on everyone. The temperature was well below freezing during the night and the wind chill dropped to one hundred degrees below zero. When the sun came up, the temperature would change dramatically. The ultraviolet rays were much stronger on the mou...

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